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Kasım, 2017 tarihine ait yayınlar gösteriliyor

Kenneth Keathley: Science Helps Us Understand God’s Creation

We consider you to be a noteworthy opinion leader, in addition to your being a theology professor. In that regard, could you give your opinion on the relationship between God’s Creation and science? Historians of science agree that science as a discipline was birth during the 17th and 18th centuries. And they also agree that biblical doctrine of creation played a crucial role in the development of science as a discipline. The doctrine of creation teaches that a wise and good God created the heavens and the earth. Therefore, creation exhibits the nature and qualities of God. In that nature is rational and it is capable of being understood, and that nature is also good and it’s worthy of exploration. These principles provided the foundation for the scientific enterprise. And the original scientists, men such as Robert Boyle and Sir Isaac Newton, all of these men were believers in God and expected that by doing science and studying nature in a scientific way that they were think...

Kenneth Keathley: Doctrine of Creation Is Essential to Understand God’s Truth

We are aware that evangelicals like yourself attach great significance to an intellectual and scientific effort against evolution theory. We appreciate your valuable efforts to this end. Could you kindly explain the reasons why evangelical Christians find this to be so important? Evangelicals believe that the doctrine of creation is literally the foundational doctrine by which we understand all other truths. Because the scripture begins with “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” And with the doctrine of creation, we understand who God is and our relationship to Him and what is the purpose and role that creation has in His great plan. We believe that the Bible teaches us, that there is a grand narrative, a great story of creation, fall, redemption and than ultimate consummation. And so you have to have the first chapter that story correct in order to understand the rest of the story. So we believe that the heavens and the earth were created by a good God and th...

Kenneth Keathley: God Created Life With Direct Divine Action

There are some Muslims who think that God created living beings through evolution. When we encounter these persons, we explain to them that there are no verses in the Qur’an or the scripture that indicate creation through evolution. And also we show them that all the scientific evidence proves there is no evolution in creation. How do you explain the same topic to Christians who think similarly? I have a number of friends who call themselves either theistic evolutionists or they call themselves evolutionary creationists and by that they mean that they believe that God has created but He used evolution as the means of creation. Many times whenever I talk to them I realize that they are well meaning, they are well intentioned and they are wanting to seek out the truth so I make no accusations against what is going on in their heart. However, I would point out that scripture itself would be very difficult to reconcile with an evolutionary creationist paradigm or worldview. The bible ...

Adnan Oktar's Book 'Islam Denounces Terrorism' on Swiss RSI TV-Oct 2017

Last August, the distribution of the book entitled "Islam condemns terrorism" found in many letterboxes in Ticino has been the subject of much debate. The book was distributed by Turkish preacher Adnan Oktar. Oktar’s association is close to Turkish President Erdogan. These days, a representative of this organization is visiting Lugano and meeting the media to tell about the goals of the team. Here is Mattia Pacella’s report: With his textbooks, Adnan Oktar, a rich Turkish preacher, professes a peaceful understanding of Islam in every corner of the globe. Thousands of his books have been found in the letterboxes of Ticino last summer. He is against Darwin's evolutionism, and he is often accompanied by dancing women during his television shows and after the Islamist attempted coup, is also close to the Erdogan regime. These days, his representative Oktar Babuna, who is in Istanbul as a medical doctor has arrived in Ticino. But, why Switzerland? Oktar: -Well, Swi...

LA 7 TV: Impacts of Adnan Oktar's Bestseller "Islam Denounces Terrorism" in Italy

You can watch live interviews of Adnan Oktar from A9 TV (english simultaneous interpretation). You can reach the works of Adnan Oktar from Some sites based on Harun Yahya's works;

Adnan Oktar's Book 'Islam Denounces Terrorism' on Swiss RSI TV-Aug 2017

A particular book appeared in the letterboxes of Ticino these days. The author is the Islamic creationist ADNAN OKTAR, the Turkish preacher whose manifesto against the theory of evolution already had given rise to a debate in the Italian Switzerland in 2010. A colorful book of 320 pages, full of pictures and images with a shiny cover. It appeared in the letterboxes of Ticino a few days ago. Its title is “Islam Denounces Terrorism” and it is accompanied by a flyer which explains its purpose, which is to spread the lovely and peaceful message of the Qur’an to as many people as possible. The author is Adnan Oktar, alias Harun Yahya. He is been trying to convince the world to reject Darwin’s evolution for over 30 years. Here he is in one of his famous television shows of a satellite channel which alternate religious discussions and enjoyable moments. He is definitely against the Islamic State; he supports the coexistence of religions. But the real enemy for him is Darwinism, the root of...

God would never abandon those who do not abandon God.

God would never abandon those who do not abandon God. It is important not to abandon God even for a single moment. Abandoning God for even 5 minutes is such great ungratefulness and unscrupulousness. How could you abandon the One Who is holding your life in His Hands? How could you abandon the One Who creates all things? One who lives connected to God with sharp attention lives a happy life.  (A9TV, 3 November 2017)

If something is not described as unlawful in the Qur’an, then it is lawful.

All unlawful acts are written in the Qur’an. If something is not described as unlawful in the Qur’an, then it is lawful. Being pedantic is a polytheist tradition that dates from pre-Islamic periods. They make religion more difficult to such a state that they cannot practice it themselves.  (A9TV, 3 November 2017)

A life without faith is the most horrid thing that could ever happen.

A life without faith is the most horrid thing that could ever happen. It is a nightmare. Nightmare is actually an understatement. Faith is such a great blessing. Faith is paradise. It is the source of love and passion.  (A9TV, 3 November 2017)