Hypocrites are witless; they brag about being clever, but they become overwhelmed and humiliated in the face of the intelligence of our Prophet (saas) İndir
ADNAN OKTAR: The hypocrites were only concerned with getting our Prophet (saas) into a tight corner, emphasizing that he was uninformed and unwise -may God forbid the thought- because they believed themselves to be very clever. However, wisdom always prevails over intelligence. Even though the hypocrites always made an exhibition of themselves, they still sought to outsmart our Prophet (saas). Our Prophet (saas) always put the hypocrites to shame by his wisdom. If you pay attention to how the hypocrites speak, you will notice that their speeches always reek of sedition and villainy. They are constantly arrogant. The hypocrites have always felt jealous of the prophets. They have always been jealous of the prophets' wisdom, ability, strength, capability, and success. And they're consumed with envy, they have always tried to be a hindrance to our Prophet (saas), yet they always failed. For example, they said to people, "Do not go out to fight in the warm weather." Why did they say this? Because if people did not go out to fight with him, our Prophet (saas) wouldn’t succeed, [they thought]. That was the gambit in their minds. Moreover, they believed that this way they would gain prestige among the believers. [According to their mindset], they would seem more merciful, more compassionate, wiser, and more mindful. Hypocrites are sheer simpletons, for God took away their wisdom. God holds them in derision and plays with them. God degrades them also in front of Muslims. However, being the witless creatures they are, hypocrites lie in wait like a bird of pray for an opportunity to appear. Every time they disgrace themselves yet they wait again, and this repeats over and over again. When you look at their statements in the Qur'an, you will see that their sole purpose is to embarrass our Prophet (saas) and prove themselves to be superior -may God forbid-. For example, the treacherous man mentioned in the Surah al-Muddaththir would always claim that he is superior to our Prophet (saas). He would say, "I am more sophisticated, more knowledgeable, I speak more foreign languages, I can identify any issues more easily." So the hypocrites rely upon these attributes. This man said, "Let me take a look at the Qur'an that Muhammad came up with -may God forbid the thought- I will prove it to be fallacious for you and tell you about it. Give me some time." And upon this the hypocrites became excited thinking he would find a fault in the Book. In other words, he was to find a contradiction in the Qur'an and outwit our Prophet (saas) -may God forbid-. He studied the Qur'an for days. Notice that in the verse God says, "He frowned". Hypocrites make terrible expressions. They look worn out, lifeless and virtually reek of sulfur because they are constantly in touch with satan. Due to their connection with satan, they have a lifeless, schizophrenic appearance. God says, "He frowned and glowered." In other word he scowled. Then the man said "This is nothing but the words of a human and full of discrepancies." However, even though he said the Book is full of discrepancies, he realized the Qur'an has a mathematical system based on the number '19'. He realizes the extraordinary nature of this system yet rather than being amazed by Islam and deepening his faith, being the evil man he is, he spoke to the detriment of the Qur'an.Look, even though he realized the miracle of the number 19 for the first time, he did not acknowledge it. Out of impertinence, he, in his own eyes, tried to supposedly embarrass the Prophet (saas). This time, Almighty God reveals the secrets of the verse and points out the number 19. God says that the man was deceived and points to the code of 19, saying that they were deceived by the number 19. God says "We have only specified the number in favor of the believers and to the detriment of the irreligious." He says, "This is to the detriment of the irreligious. Let them call their attendants." The hypocrites of that era were affiliated with the Roman Empire, in other words the Roman deep state. Later, they become affiliated with the English deep state. The deep state then moved from the Romans to the English; it became the English deep state. This is already mentioned in the hadiths. In the hadiths, our Prophet (saas) says; "The devil sits on an island amid the sea. From there, he sends out his soldiers." Our Prophet (saas) said this regarding the End Times. Otherwise, the main concern of the time wa Rome.
CAN DAGTEKIN: I seek refuge in God from the accursed satan, Almighty God says; "Will they not ponder the Qur'an? If it had been from other than God, they would have found many inconsistencies in it.”
ADNAN OKTAR: Yes. Look, God says; "He reflected and considered." He reflects on the measure of 19. "Curse him, how he considered!” says God. The Qur'an indicates that the hypocrites will be devestated. "Curse him, how he considered!" says God. "Then he looked." Of course the look on the hypocrite's face is a foul one: This is what the Qur'an points to. "Then he frowned and glowered", in other words, his face takes on a foul, vile, despicable expression. Hypocrites always have a wretched expression. Look, God says; "Then he frowned"; a lifeless, scowling, foul expression. This is their signature imprinted on them by God. "…and glowered. Then he drew back" Hypocrites are such foul people, they immediately run away from any hardship they come across. This is what God points to in the verse. "...and was proud" says God. He acts arrogantly thinking he is superior, wiser, more sophisticated, more knowledgeable, more experienced. "He said, ‘This is nothing but magic from the past." Look, "He said, ‘This is nothing but magic from the past."[Surah al-Muddaththir, 24]He notices the miracle of the number 19 and is amazed by it; however, he says that this number is nothing but a coding system, nothing but magic from the past. Instead of being amazed by the miracle of Almighty God and having faith in Him, the man tries to still deny it. "This is nothing but the words of a human being", in other words he says the verses of the Qur'an, and the Qur'an itself is nothing but the words of the Prophet (saas). "I will drag him to hell and roast him" says God. Here, God mentions dragging as the man will surely resist. In other words God says, "Since he will resist, I will drag him." God will drag him to hell like the vile men he is. "I will drag him to hell and roast him. What will convey to you what hell (saqar) is? It does not spare and does not ease up," Hell does not restrain anyone, nor does it let them go. Since God allows them to crawl around hell, they believe themselves to be free but they cannot escape; this is what the Qur'an refers to. "...ceaselessly scorching the flesh." Hell is like a wild animal. It constantly craves scorching, tormenting, hurting, torturing. Hell is like a crazed animal, it treats the irreligious, the hypocrites aggressively. Look, "...ceaselessly scorching the flesh", in other words, it devours them, brings them to ruin. It thirsts for the flesh. "There are nineteen in charge of it."Nineteen angels. Nineteen mighty angels. "We have only appointed angels as masters of the Fire and We have only specified their number", the number '19', "as a trial for those who are disbelievers; so that those who were given the Book might gain in certainty...", so that the Christians, Jews and Muslims believe in the Qur'an with certainty. So that the faith and enthusiasm of those who have faith increases. "...and those who have faith might increase in their faith, and both those who were given the Book and the believers might have no doubt", so that their beliefs become absolute. "...and so that those with sickness in their hearts and the disbelievers might say;", so that the hypocrites and disbelievers with sickness in their hearts might say, "‘What did God intend by this example?’"Such is their foolishness. God gives them a code out of the number '19' but they still do not comprehend this. "In this way God misguides those He wills and guides those He wills." For example, God misguides the hypocrites, and guides the believers. "No one knows the legions of your Lord but Him." No one knows about Khizir (pbuh) and the angels. People know about them only when God tells them. "This is nothing but a reminder to all human beings." Those who have sickness in their hearts should seek a cure. Those who have hypocritical tendencies should seek a cure. This is a reminder from God and the hearts of the believers find relief and strength. "Or that of a storm-cloud in the sky, full of darkness," Look, God says "Full of darkness"; do you see that the Qur'an describes the souls of the hypocrites? Their souls are pitch-black. "...that of a storm-cloud", sudden commotions occur in their souls; sudden agitations, sudden fears, sudden horrors. "...thunder and lightning", in other words, their inner worlds are dark. God says that they feel alone and miserable as if they are exposed to storms and darkness, "They put their fingers in their ears against the thunderclaps, fearful of death." Look, "...against the thunderclaps..." says God. Since God constantly plagues them with troubles and anxiety, the hypocrites are in constant fear of death and growing old. They are constantly terrified of it. Hypocrites despise death; it horrifies them. They are also terrified of aging and sickness. "They put their fingers in their ears...fearful of death", in other words, they do not want to hear about, learn about anything. For example, they do not want to hear the reciting of the Qur'an. This does not only refer to the physical activity of putting fingers in one's ears. They make noise, make a fuss or leave althogether. Or for example, they run away to a higher place, or a lower one. Yes. "God encompasses the disbelievers." In other words, God says "Wherever they go, I will be there." Regardless of where they go. (Surat al-Baqara, 19)
In the 9th and 10th verses of Surat ash-Shams, God says, "He who purifies his self has succeeded." Those who are sick, immoral can only succeed by shedding them of their immoralities. Those who have hypocritical tendencies can only succeed by abandoning such tendencies, those who have irreligious characteristics by abandoning such characteristics, those who harbor malice, sedition and mischief in their hearts by abandoning these... Those who harass the believers with their foul, vile personalities and deeds can only achieve success by purifying themselves of such behaviors. "He who purifies his self has succeeded." God says that such people will find salvation only if they purify themselves. "And he who covers his self up through rebellion and sins has failed"; in other words, God says those who cover their self up, "who eliminates the cure", through an anarchistic, aggressive, psychopathic spirit, through deeds contradicting with the Qur'an, through constant denial, lies, and deceit; they have failed.
It is related from Abdul-Aziz Ibn Muslim: "The Messenger of God (saas) decreed, "Imam Mahdi (as) brings order to religion. He is the honor of Muslims and the target of the hatred of hypocrites." He is the pure, bright face of Muslims. "He (Hazrat Mahdi (as)) is the target of the hatred of hypocrites." Look, "He is the target of the hatred of hypocrites." This is one of the characteristics of Mahdi (as). "He is the means to the destruction of the disbelievers." Of course he will achieve this through wisdom and knowledge. (Usul al-Qafi al-Usul Min al-Qafi al-Qulayni, volume 1, page 281)
Right now, the hypocrites are filled with an unimaginable panic and so are the members of the English deep state. They believed themselves to be invincible, but when they realized they are not so, they resorted to aggression; this is a sign of the panic they feel. This time, they began to come upon the government. They are coming upon Mr. Erdoğan. The more they come upon Mr. Erdoğan, the stronger he becomes. They can do no harm to him by doing so.
The verses regarding the hypocrites and the irreligious are for the believers. I'd like to point out that these verses have no effect on the irreligious or the hypocrites. They only have an effect on the believers. They make a deep impact on the hearts of the believers. This is why we talk about these verses among ourselves, to the believers, to those who have faith. The hypocrites and the irreligious feel rage, anger towards these verses. It only fuels their hatred. God says in the verse of the Qur'an, "...but it only makes them run away the more!" In another verse God says, "Each time a verse is sent down there are some among them who say, ‘Which of you has this increased in faith?’" God says, "But it only makes them run away the more!" These verses only fuel their grudge and hatred. They increase the faith of the believers while fueling the grudge and hatred the hypocrites and irreligious feel. The believers reform themselves while the irreligious and the hypocrites only become worse; they become more insidious, fiercer. Their souls turn blacker, whereas the souls of the believers become brighter, lighter. Yes.
GÖKALP BARLAN: God says in the Qur'an, "They bite their fingers out of rage against you."
ADNAN OKTAR: This verse of the Qur'an shows their rage. "They bite their fingers", in other words, God says that the rage, the hatred they feel hurts them worse than the pain they feel when they bite the tip of their fingers even though the tip of one's finger is a really sensitive area: This is what the verse means. God says it that way in order to make it easier for the believers to imagine it.
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